Your Insurance Agency in Vancouver since 1978

At Habitat Insurance, we have been providing trusted advice to our clients about their insurance options since 1978.

While the insurance policy is what you leave us with, what we offer goes far beyond the insurance policies themselves. We offer you our expertise, knowledge, and professionalism. Our goal is that the friendly service will leave you satisfied and confident in your purchase, and keep you coming back, year after year.

Car and House Insurance is just the beginning. Our experienced insurance agents can help you with all types of insurance:

Business Insurance

Business Insurance

We assist our clients in get­ting the right insur­ance for their needs. We can insure a broad spec­trum of risks, from home-based offices to multi-mil­lion dol­lar busi­nesses. We under­stand that each client has spe­cific insur­ance require­ments — our bro­kers use their exper­tise to help ensure that those require­ments.

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House Insurance

House Insurance

We under­stand how impor­tant your home is to you, whether you’re a ten­ant or homeowner. That’s why our bro­kers take the utmost care to help our clients get the best insur­ance pack­ages for their needs.

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Strata Insurance

Strata Insurance

Our insur­ance bro­kers assist strata/building own­ers and prop­erty man­agers get the most for their insur­ance dol­lar as well, as pro­vid­ing pro­fes­sional advice at the time of quot­ing and through­out the pol­icy period. We also ensure that all of our clients receive prompt and depend­able assis­tance in the event of a claim.

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Condo Insurance

Condo Insurance

With the high price of real estate in British Columbia, and Greater Vancouver in particular, more people are living in Condos or Townhouses than in detached homes. In the past, many went without their own condo insurance policies. However, the recent trends towards more losses as a result of water damage should cause those who ignore the need for condo insurance to reconsider.

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Earthquake Insurance

Earthquake Insurance

Traditional house insurance policies do not automatically include coverage for loss or damage caused by earthquakes; Earthquake insurance is an optional coverage that can be added to your policy for an additional premium. It is important to note that earthquake insurance has its own limit of insurance and deductible.

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Boat Insurance

Boat Insurance

Boat insur­ance, also called marine insur­ance, pro­vides cov­er­age for your own boat, as well as for 3rd party lia­bil­ity claims that may be charged against you for dam­age to prop­erty of oth­ers and/or for injury caused as a result of the oper­a­tion of your boat. Please note that boat insur­ance is required for any boats moored at most mari­nas or yacht clubs in B.C.

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Auto Insurance

Auto Insurance

With car insur­ance claims total­ing over $3-bil­lion in British Colum­bia last year, it’s impor­tant that dri­vers have the right ICBC Auto­plan and any addi­tional insur­ance cov­er­age in place to pro­tect them­selves and their assets.

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Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Noth­ing can ruin a trip to another coun­try more than an unex­pected ill­ness or acci­dent. And the finan­cial costs of qual­ity emer­gency med­ical treat­ment while in a for­eign coun­try can be a huge bur­den.

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